Privacy Policy

EVNE Developers LLC (hereinafter the «Company»), creators, owners, and operators of the site (hereinafter the «Site») provides you (hereinafter the «User») the information including but not limited to the following:

– What information about the User is collected.

– For what purpose the Company collects personal information.

– How the Company ensures the security of the data.

– In what case the personal information is transferred to the third party.

– How personal information can be updated or deleted. 

Any use of personal data of the User is carried out under Act No. 101/2000 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data, the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), and other laws and regulations applicable in Ukraine. 

By using the Site, the User agrees to this Privacy Policy points. Some types of data collection described in this Policy are optional and can be used for the improvement of the Site. 

What information about the User is collected

Personal data or personal information means any information about an individual. First of all, it goes for cookie files. 

Additionally, the Site has Google Analytics to analyze the tendencies of users’ visits. Google has its corresponding Privacy Policy and all information on the collected data is listed here .

The Company does not collect any information about credit cards and payment services you may use.    

The Company does not collect any special categories of personal information (e.g. politic opinion, religion, information about health, etc.). 

The Company does not collect any information from individuals under 18. The persons under 18 may not submit any personal data and use the Site. If a person believes that their children and minors submitted some personal information to the Company, they should inform the Company and such information will be deleted. 

In case if the User is going to order some products provided by the Company, the information collected from such a user and the way it is managed will be stated in a separate document. 

For what purpose the Company collects personal information

The Company may use personal information to provide, maintain, protect, and improve the Site. The information is collected for the provision of better services and the Site experience improvement. Personal information can be used for additional purposes that do not directly relate to the provision of the service itself including, but not limited to the staff hiring process, marketing analytics and researches, etc. 

How the Company ensures the security of the data

The Company makes every effort to use commercially reasonable means of the guard to protect and secure the User’s personal information. This includes data security and prevention of unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of such personal information. However, it is impossible to guarantee the entire safety of personal information during the processes of data transmission through the Internet. Namely, if any issue occurs which was not caused directly by the Company, no person or the User should claim for a refund for material or non-material damage. 

In what case the personal information is transferred to the third party

The Company uses internal means to process any personal information (including storage, procession, and evaluation), so it stays closed for third parties.  No personal information shall be disclosed without the personal consent of the User. The Company may share non-Personal Data, such as depersonalized, aggregated user statistics with third parties, as e.g. Google Analytics. 

The legal issue of disclosure is considered as a reasonable reaction on a legally supported request. These may include legally authorized requests from jurisdictions outside the country of the Company registration and when that jurisdiction affects the User. The Company may disclose data to another company, organization, individual, or other entity to prevent fraud, technical or security issues, protection against harm to the rights, property or security of the Company, other Users or the public as required or permitted by law.

Please note, the Site itself may include links to third-party websites, plug-ins, and applications (for example, social media, etc.). Clicking on those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or share personal data of the User. The Company does not control these third-party data processing activities and is not responsible for their respective privacy policies.

How personal information can be updated or deleted

The User is responsible for the accuracy of the information they submit to the Company. In case if the User thinks that the personal information processed by the Company incompletely or inaccurately, they have the right to request clarification, rectification, completion, or erasure of such personal information. Such a request is to proceed in 7 days after receipt of such mail. The personal information of the User can be deleted from any storage means on the demand of such User or after 1 year from the date of the last visit of the Site or submitted email. 

If you have any additional questions about the collection or usage of data not mentioned in the document, please contact the Company. 

Changes of the document

The Company reserves the right to change the Policy at any time. In case if the Privacy Policy is changed, the special entry is made below for everyone to track such alterations. 

Latest changes:

August 19, 2019 – Initial draft published.